CAM Contracting

An Innovative Canopy Roof System for Old Town Theme Park

A unique solution to a pressing problem

As part of an ongoing capital improvement project at Old Town Theme Park, we recently faced a singular situation with the renovation of storefront canopies.

The existing ones were flat and prone to leakage. Yet, we had to maintain the current footprint of the existing canopies. This post will look at how we solved the dilemma with an innovation canopy roof system.

Project Scope

Unique Challenge

The existing flat roofs were old and rotten. They held water and would not drain. This resulted is water running toward the wall and leaking inside the buildings. 

The Solution

The problems with the roofs required tearing out the bad sections and repairing the roof decks. We installed a new ledger board on the building. This technique allowed the creation of a sloped roof. The issue of standing water no longer exists, and precipitation runs away from the building rather than toward it.

Each building at Old Town Theme Park is one of a kind and had its specific requirements for repairs and renovations. The canopy roof system is just the latest example. CAM has the construction management experience and expertise to make repairs while keeping disruptions to a minimum. This capability helps make the ongoing Old Town Theme Park building remodeling project a success.

Once again, CAM Contracting’s status as one of Orlando’s best general contractors made the difference for this popular and historic attraction.